Can you believe bed bugs were identified in Egyptian tombs and were described in works dating back to Aristotle’s time?
Bed bugs are tiny, but they are visible to the human eye and despite being an annoyance. They do not carry diseases. Bedbugs can invade your home unnoticed via luggage, clothing, used beds and couches, and other items. Their flattened bodies allow them to fit into small places about the width of a debit card. Bedbugs, unlike ants and bees, do not build nests and prefer to stay in groups in hiding spots. Their main hiding spots are very often mattresses and bed frames so that they can easily bite people when nightfall comes.
If you wake up with itching patches where you did not have them when you went to bed, you may have bedbugs, especially if you bought a piece of used furniture. Other clues that you have bedbugs are:
- Stains from blood on your bedding or pillowcases
- Spots of dark or rusty bedbug feces on sheets, bedclothes, and walls
- In regions where bedbugs hide, look for fecal stains, eggshells, or shed skins.
- The scent glands of the bugs generate an awful, musty odor.
Bed bugs are evasive and difficult to spot, but our Dynamite Pest Control specialist is trained to detect traces of their presence. During our initial visit, we will inspect your entire home, including the bed, furniture, rugs, and linens. We will examine the target areas and, if necessary, use tools to check cracks. Usually, our Dynamite Pest Control specialist will check the bedroom and then around the house, mainly focusing on the furniture and the area around them.
And, sure, it is possible to get rid of bed bugs on your own. If you detect an invasion, remove all bedding and thoroughly inspect it for traces of the bugs or their feces. Before cleaning, scrub mattress seams with a stiff brush to remove bedbugs and their eggs. Vacuum your bed and nearby area on a regular basis. After vacuuming, immediately place the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and dispose of it in an outdoor garbage can.
Bedbugs can survive for up to a year without eating, so keep the cover on your mattress for at least a year to assure that all bugs are dead. Repair plaster cracks and remove hideout areas for bedbugs. Remove any trash from near the bed.
Because applying pesticides to your bed and bedroom might be toxic, it is necessary to pick products that can be used safely in bedrooms. Usually, hiring an expert pest control professional for bedbug treatment is the safest and most effective option.
Also Read How to Avoid Bugs at Home