Wasp species are classified as either social or solitary. As the name implies, social wasps live in colonies that can number in the thousands. Within these colonies, workers perform all tasks inside the nest. Solitary wasps live alone and therefore do not have a colony. They lay eggs, but their eggs are left alone to hatch.
Some wasps are predators, others are parasites. Predatory wasps kill and consume other insects, as well as other animals that often feed their larvae. Parasitic wasps often lay their eggs on the bodies of organisms such as caterpillars or spiders. The larvae feed on the surviving host.
What we use
We only use water-based disinfectants that leave no harmful chemical residue, and the CDC, WHO, and FDA, approves these for use.
The chemical solutions target the cell walls and DNA of the microorganisms, which hinders reproduction and consequently eliminating them from surfaces, water, and air.
Our Experts
Sanitization Experts has several highly trained workers who come equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and thereby ensuring no recontamination of treated areas.
If you are wondering how to get rid of a wasps nest, call our wasp removal specialists today!!
Get The Best Wasp Control Solutions in North India

DPC knows where wasps are likely to nest on your property and can make recommendations for controlling wasp populations.
DPC knows which types of wasps are most aggressive and which ones are tamer and less threatening. Based on this information, we can help you decide what to do to alleviate the wasp problem.

DPC answer questions and provide tips and advice about using traps or other wasp control methods.
DPC makes suggestions on how to deal with waste products that attract wasps.
DPC will have the right equipment and products to control wasps safely and effectively without endangering people or pets.

DPC uses a variety of effective and effective methods to control wasps with an integrated approach. Our integrated program includes different uses.
Inspection: Determine what is required to find an effective wasp control plan.
Documentation: It details the overall control plan, findings, and outcomes, not only the initial inspection but also the scheduled follow-up services.
Education: Explain the behavior of wasps, their diet and habitat, and how this information will be useful to the owner.

Cultural controls: Refine the area around the home or workplace to reduce the certainty of suitable sites for wasps to nest.
Exclusion: Make it difficult for wasps to enter the structure.
Sanitation: Keeping the area clean and efficiently limiting access to food sources for wasps.
Choosing the best wasps control methods – traps, light modification, mechanical control and insecticides, and physical removal.
Emergency services, if necessary.
How Wasps Come
Eaves, soles, and gutters on the outside of homes are popular places for wasps to nest. Flowers and plants attract them to gardens. Similarly, patios and other outdoor dining areas with crumbs or sticky soda spill that aren’t cleaned up. Trash cans that are not covered and emptied regularly also attract wasps that search for food sources. The abundant characteristics of insects and spiders provide great prey for both mature and developing wasps.
How Serious Are Wasps
Wasps close to a home can ruin outdoor activities and make yard work difficult. While they rarely make an effort to sting, wasps can become aggressive if threatened or disturbed. Their stings are painful, but they generally do not threaten those who are not allergic to wasp’s venom.
About Us
We are founded on the belief that Pest Control can be done better! It’s more than just killing things…its about partnership and peace of mind. For over a decade we have been the superhero next door – protecting you!